
I worked as a fashion model in China, Japan, and Taiwan before retiring at the age of eighteen after one too many agent threats, nude photo shoot requests, and self-loathing-induced binges. If you’d like to learn more about my decent into the darker side of Asia’s candy-coated modeling industry sign up to my newsletter to receive free monthly installments of my upcoming memoir, Toy Girl. 



24 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Jackie. Thanks for following my blog – it’s so nice to meet you! Best of luck with your writing. What type of young adult fiction do you write?

    1. Hi Debbie, thanks for the encouragement. Right now I’m writing about girls modeling in Tokyo, not sure exactly what sub genre that is called…but I describe it as pretty little liars meets america’s next top model :)Can’t wait to read more of your stuff!

    2. Hi Debbie, thanks for the encouragement. Right now I’m writing about girls modeling in Tokyo, not sure exactly what sub genre that is called…but I describe it as pretty little liars meets america’s next top model :)Can’t wait to read more of your stuff!

  2. Thanks for checking out my blog and commenting! I have a friend whose daughter was modeling in Tokyo this summer…I’m intrigued by your story and how it will play out in a book. Sounds very interesting.

    1. What a lovely comment! You just made my day, possibly even my week…(okay month, who are we kidding) I can’t wait to check it out!)

  3. Found your toes and followed the link to you. I want to thank you for reminding me about the living books, I totally forgot about them. So now, reminded, I must seek them out…even if it means going to Surrey.

  4. Hey there, your ‘About’ reminded me of me except, I’ve got two kids now teens, I’m a writer (isn’t it amazing cramming it in while momming) who aspires to one day be published, I dreamed I was a model (but my largeness was a bit too grand for such thoughts) and yes, life goes up, down, sideways and diagonally too doesn’t it. Oh yes, and I also face-planted. It was in my twenties. The story my parents heard was-I tripped while jogging. I fell on my face and busted my nose. A positive development from my ordeal was it left a perfect nose bump that to-this-day keeps my eyeglasses from sliding down my face.
    Great blog.
    new blogger who’s going to put up her ‘live’ manuscript and artwork on her blog in the next couple of weeks.

  5. Ha ha, thanks Ann Marie. Every face plant has a silver lining! Look forward to seeing your ‘live’ manuscript. Mine is feeling much too dead these days.

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